Example Reports

Example Reports

Male, 14

Visual and auditory tests

Female, 17, Visual​

Visual tests before and after a medication dose

Female, 25

Unusual pattern of performance flagged by Performance Validity rules

Male, 12, Visual

12-year-old male independently diagnosed with ADHD

Male, 5, Short Form, Visual

Pre-School Session (10.5 minutes long)

Female, 16, Auditory

Male, 19, Visual

2 of 4 Performance Validity rules are flagged

Female, 5, Short Form, Visual

Pre-School Session (10.5 minutes long)

Male, 42, Visual

Visual tests before and after medication, along with a comparison test

Male, 11, Visual

Visual tests before and after different medication doses, along with comparison tests

Female, 16

Visual and auditory baselines, a visual test after treatment, and a comparison of the two visual tests

Male, 12, Visual

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